

ArmorText was named a leader in The Forrester Wave™: Secure Communications Solutions, Q3 2024. According to Forrester’s evaluation, “ArmorText outclasses for SecOps, incident response, and threat intel sharing use cases.”
New and extremely sophisticated cyberattacks are taking organizations by surprise. Get the latest in our series of tabletops co-published with Crowell & Moring.
ArmorText, which safeguards communication for organizations worldwide, and the international law firm of Crowell & Moring LLP today released an update to their tabletop exercise guide, making new exercise scenarios publicly available under a Creative Commons license. The new Cyber Resilience: Incident Response Tabletop Exercises Q2 2024 addresses urgent challenges facing executives, including disruptive attacks by increasingly sophisticated criminal actors with well-publicized recent examples, as well as increasingly complex regulatory obligations.
Out-of-Band Communications [out-əv-band kə-myo͞o-ni-kā-shəns]: Any alternative channel for communications operating outside the standard, primary network…
Secure Out of Band Collaboration™ [si-kyoor out əv band kə-lab-ə-rey-shuhn]: A specific variant of out-of-band communications that further addresses security…
In the absence of secure out-of-band communications, adversaries gain substantial advantages through observing incident response communications…
A three-point checklist for evaluating Secure Out of Band Collaboration™ (SOOB-C) platforms developed alongside critical infrastructure thought leaders…
Secure Out of Band Collaboration™ (SOOB-C) is not just for crises; it is a strategic asset across various internal and external enterprise functions…
ArmorText’s approach offers unique benefits, ensuring continuity of communications when primary channels are compromised but also addressing vulnerabilities…
Partner Enablement Program
The program, designed to meet the rising demand for secure communication solutions during times of crisis, allows partners to create, manage, and administer ArmorText Private Directories and Federations/Trust Relationships.
In the last 18 months, ArmorText has seen a 33% increase in Fortune 500 customers, grown over 300% in Europe, and expanded significantly in 6 new critical infrastructure industries.
ArmorText has seen a 33% increase in Fortune 500 customers, grown over 300% in Europe, and expanded significantly in 6 new critical infrastructure industries.

The hard divide between OT and IT is a long-standing tradition in the Energy industry but the lines between OT and IT in Energy are blurring more and more as both contend with a cyber security reality where adversaries find novel ways to impact both sides, and new cyber regulations further reduce tolerance for delays in responding during an incident. As this occurs, OT and IT teams need to re-think about how they communicate during a crisis.


With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated and complex, effective threat intelligence sharing (TIS) is more crucial than ever, and enterprises should invest in tools that are not only leaders in their field but also align with their operational requirements.

The Forrester Wave™: Secure Communications Solutions, Q3 2024 report has recognized ArmorText as a leader, stating that “organizations that require out-of-band communications for incident response, security operations, or threat-intel sharing should consider ArmorText.”

Forrester-Honors -ArmorText-for-SecOps-Communications-in-2024

The unfortunate reality is that breaches can lurk undetected for extended periods-sometimes for hundreds of days prior to detection-creating significant vulnerabilities for organizations “Left of Bang” (“bang” being when a breach is finally recognized). During this Left of Bang period adversaries often monitor activities that SecOps teams undertake to prevent and detect security breaches, informing their attacks.

As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, it’s clear that no system is entirely foolproof. Even with the best preventive measures in place, the reality is that breaches can and do happen.
If You Can’t Communicate, You Can’t Remediate

As organizations grapple with increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks, the ability to respond quickly, securely, and effectively post-breach is essential for coordinating remediation efforts and a return to normal operations.

During an incident, organizations can find themselves questioning how to communicate — are day-to-day communications systems available? Are emails and messengers compromised and being monitored by attackers?

Interestingly, ArmorText was the only solution in the report that Forrester noted offers “out-of-band communications.” We have seen a shift in how “out-of-band communication” is defined since the Q2 2022 Forrester Wave™: Secure Communications Solutions. The industry went through a period where many vendors self-identified “out-of-band communications for IR, SecOps” as one of their top three extended use cases but now ArmorText is the only vendor in the current Wave that was purpose-built for out-of-band communications.
ArmorText CEO Navroop Mitter shared insights alongside legal experts at SABA panel “We’re Under (Cyber)Attack! Interdisciplinary Best Practices for In-house Counsel.”